The Canon LI7070SA CMOS Sensor, available in RGB and Mono, offers 2M pixels with increased sensitivity in the NIR range in addition to HDR functions. Its’ compact 1/1.8″ design with square 4.1μm x 4.1μm pixel arrangement makes it particularly suitable for nighttime surveillance of public spaces, roads, and transportation facilities in addition to use in cameras equipped to drones or used in microscopes, which both require compact image sensors with a high sensitivity.

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High-Sensitivity NIR Shooting

This enables monitoring in dark environments which cannot be seen by the naked eye. The sensors can also be used in industrial applications such as inspection in dark areas and medical uses such as fluorescein angiography. The LI7070SAC has improved near-infrared sensitivity by approximately 2.4 times compared to the LI7050SAC. The LI7070SAC can capture full-HD video even in low-illumination environments measuring 0.08 lux, whereas the LI7070SAM operates at a minimum of 0.04 lux. The outstanding low illumination and NIR sensitivity of these sensors further expands their applicability.

Technical Specifications

Filter Type  RGB  Mono
Sensitivity  (Green) 54,000 e/lx/sec  104,000 e/lx/sec
Resolution  2.12 MP
Pixel count  1,936 x 1,096
Pixel pitch  4.1 μm
Sensor Size  7.9 x 4.5 mm
Shutter Type  Rolling
Dark Random Noise  1.1 e-rms @room temperature
Frame rate  60 fps, 30fps (HDR)

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